$40 Billion Loss to the State Due to Crime: Will the Election Change Anything in South Africa? Or is it Just About Holding Ramaphosa to Account and Punishing the Ruling Party?

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center May 23, 2024

Are the 2024 elections in South Africa intended to determine the winner or to hold the African National Congress (ANC) Party accountable for its failure to tackle several problems, including organized and cross-border crimes? These crimes account for a tenth of the gross domestic product, which amounts to $400 billion. This means that crime in South Africa results in an annual loss of $40 billion.
The electoral battle in South Africa is considered very fierce. However, the bottom line is that the ANC, which has ruled South Africa for 30 years, has begun to decline, facing the rise of other parties or an increase in the number of voters. This compels the ANC to form alliances to stay in power.
South Africa was the strongest and first industrial economy in Africa and remains economically strong, but it faces many problems. Although BRICS is a strong alliance both politically and economically the South African economy is declining. It seems that South Africa’s elections will not lead to significant change. What the country needs to overcome these crises is the emergence of a new leader and public action that can stop the decline and restore the country’s strong economy.

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center May 23, 2024