28th Commemoration of 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi by Rwanda Embassy in Khartoum

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center May 12, 2022

The Rwandan Embassy in Khartoum organized an event in Salam Rotana hotel for the 28th Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.
Ambassador Abel Buhungu welcomed the guests of the event who represent most of the diplomatic missions, government, international and regional organizations, experts, NGOs, and media.
Ambassador Abel highlighted in his speech lessons that should be learned from the time of the genocide and the events followed that till Rwanda now is able to recover and rebuilt the country again.
Ambassador Al-Zain Ibrahim, the guest of honor at the event, the representative of the Sudanese government emphasized the necessity of Rwanda’s experience to be studied in Sudan, especially during the time of transition. Al-Zain confirmed the commIMG_20220512_193124itment of the Sudanese government to enhance peace and transitional justice.


Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center May 12, 2022