MC-Media launches Press Release Service – Arabic Form الإستمارة باللغة العربية

👤Mekki Center 🕔21.Jan 2021

MC-Media has launched a new service of editing and publishing press releases in English by submitting information via Arabic form. Information will be translated and edited in English by MC-Media professional team then sent to clients for final approval before publishing. MC-Media also provides clients with the service of distributing press releases to international and […]

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To Mr. Irfan, with full respect. By Mekki ELMOGRABI

👤Mekki Center 🕔3.Dec 2020

I accept the clarifications made by Ambassador Irfan SIDDIQ on Al-Democraty newspaper interview and I will not join the campaign against him. Moreover, I am not buying the idea or the generalization that Muslim in the West need to show stronger stands when they come as representatives for western governments in Muslim countries because of threats and pressures […]

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MC-MS Launches “Sudan Informer”

👤Mekki Center 🕔2.Dec 2020

MC-MS has launched a new service for Sudan news and articles under the name “Sudan Informer”. The service is mainly covering news on development, stability, private sector, and civil society issues, as well as related topics in the region. Sudan Informer will be supported by Facebook and Twitter pages and groups as well as other social […]

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Mombasa, a place where history makes the future! By Mekki ELMOGRABI

👤Mekki Center 🕔12.Nov 2020

Mombasa connects the mind with history and culture. In past times and present days, it has been the gateway for Central-Eastern Africa. For some people, it is the place of sunny warm beaches and fresh coconut juice are found, African tea with ginger, and other sorts of things, but not known for its busy industrial […]

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L’Éthiopie entre dans l’ère de l’industrialisation

👤Mekki Center 🕔22.Oct 2020

L’Éthiopie construit 13 parcs industriels répartis dans les villes principales. Les parcs industriels font partie du grand plan de 2025 du gouvernement éthiopien visant à développer l’économie éthiopienne – principalement agraire – à une économie industrielle. Les rapports pertinents rapportent que le secteur manufacturier représente moins de 7% du PIB. Il devra atteindre 25% selon […]

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Banking System in Sudan will be connected with the world after improvement in US-Sudan relations, Experts

👤Mekki Center 🕔20.Oct 2020

In Sudan now there is a situation of “cautious optimism” after Trump’s tweet that he will issue an executive order to lift Sudan from the list of states sponsoring terrorism, “Sudan will pay compensation to the families of the victims, and this is good news.”, Trump said Experts say that the completion of the process […]

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Ethiopia: Investment Regulations Amendment and Banking System

👤Mekki Center 🕔19.Oct 2020

Despite all changes in Africa, Ethiopia retains distinctive points for foreign investment. Ethiopia is an important market in Africa, especially for companies planning to expand their businesses in Africa. Addis Ababa is the home of (Ethiopian Airlines) that offers flights to more than 100 destinations; 60 Africans and locals and 45 internationals. Currently, there are […]

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Éthiopie: l’amendement de réglementation des investissements et système bancaire

👤Mekki Center 🕔19.Oct 2020

Malgré tous les changements en Afrique, l’Éthiopie conserve des points distinctifs pour les investissements étrangers. L’Éthiopie est un marché important en Afrique, spécialement pour les entreprises qui envisagent de développer leurs activités en Afrique. Addis Abeba est la maison d’(Ethiopian Airlines) qui propose des voles vers plus de 100 destinations; 60 africains et locaux et […]

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Malgré la transition critique, Le Soudan a lancé la première centrale solaire

👤Mekki Center 🕔18.Oct 2020

Malgré les défis de la période de transition, le Soudan a réussi à terminer et à lancer la première centrale solaire. SUNA a publié un rapport que l’État du Darfour du Nord a reçu de la société soudanaise pour l’hydro-production et l’énergie renouvelable et “Top Gear” la nouvelle centrale solaire électrique d’Al-Fasher, Darfur. La centrale produit 5 […]

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Dangote est le plus fortuné d’Afrique, mais Sawiris a plus de cash

👤Mekki Center 🕔18.Oct 2020

Indubitablement, le Nigerian Aliko Dangote est l’homme le plus fortuné d’Afrique. La valeur globale de ses avoirs atteint plus que 14 milliards $, selon agences internationales mais, l’agence Ecofin a publié une analyse économique confirmant que dans le détail de sa fortune, il en ressort que Dangote possède moins de cash qu’un de ses concurrents en Afrique, […]

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