
AfCFTA and SMEs, bold Initiatives are welcomed

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.Mar 2020

Coming Soon

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Are SMEs the drive chain that moving African Economy?

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.Mar 2020

By Mekki ELMOGRABI If trade and industry are the two most important sectors in the African economy, the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector is a vital domain shared between them. The Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) and Small and Media Businesses (SMBs) form the SMEs sector which is effectively “the drive chain” rolling and […]

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IGAD and Peace Trap!

👤Mekki Center 🕔17.Sep 2019

By Mekki ELMOGRABI Could the endless search for peace be a trap? Yes, because “sustainable peace objectives with high standards of security and stability” is the bait that entices stakeholders to ignore the need for private sector development and regional economic integration until peace is achieved. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) appears to be totally trapped […]

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les défis et les réalisations de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine ZLECAF

👤Mekki Center 🕔28.Jul 2019

En: The challenges and the achievements of the African Continental Free Trade Area AFCFTA. By\ MEKKI ELMOGRABI Les deux principaux défis: 1\ L’Afrique est grande, très grande, les systèmes économiques sont différents, des conflits d’intérêts, et de nombreux traités et accords. Est-il facile pour le secrétariat de ZLECAF et de l’UA de gérer cette situation? […]

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A New Paradigm for U.S.-African Relations – African Regional Capitalism

👤Mekki Center 🕔5.Jul 2019

By\ Mekki Elmograbi Capitalism is quietly transforming Africa. Now it is time for international institutions – and Western perceptions – to catch up. Read the article from the American Media Institute AMI

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Sudan: People still see the crisis as economic not political, Poll

👤Mekki Center 🕔29.Jan 2019

Sudan: People still see the crisis as economic, not political, Poll Expert suggests government lift subsidies, pay “Shock Allowance” to survive the crisis. MC-Media Reports It seems that President Omar Al-Basher and the Sudanese government will be able to pass the strongest protests in its history if hard economic decisions are taken. The wave started in December […]

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Media Capitals in Africa: More than $50 billion and Real Partner in Establishing African Economic Community

👤Mekki Center 🕔2.Nov 2018

   IN the article “The 10 Most Powerful African Media Moguls” in Venture Africa, the writer Tom JACKSON says that Koos BEKKER is running the South African media company “Naspers” with business size of $12 billion. He also states that Chris KIRUBIi from Kenya is running media business with $200 million; he is the owner […]

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AfCFTA: Seven Questions to Amb. Albert Muchanga the Commissioner of AU Department of Trade and Industry

👤Mekki Center 🕔5.Oct 2018

Why AfCFTA is good for Africa? By\ Mekki ELMOGRABI – Mekki Center    More Discussion and 7 questions to Amb. Albert Muchanga the Commissioner of AU Department of Trade and Industry.  Following AU Summit – Kigali in March 2018, I watched a talk show on Rwanda TV, the topic of which was African Continental Free […]

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Regional Cooperation: Ethiopia and Sudan will launch new partnership on Port Sudan very soon

👤Mekki Center 🕔1.Oct 2018

The Article in Arabic Language By Rashid Abdelrahmam A Sudanese Prominent Journalist Reveals Considerable Breakthrough on the Ethiopian Trade Movement through Port Sudan Harbour. Mekki ELMOGRABI of Mekki Center and the writer for several African papers and websites  wrote an article under the title “Pilot Model of the Regional Cooperation in Africa .. Big Flow of Ethiopian […]

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Bill of Indictment Against “Human Rights Philosophy” 

👤Mekki Center 🕔25.May 2018

              By Makki Elmorgabi Why the bill of indictment, and why against Human Rights Philosophy; not just against what the pretenders of the philosophy practice. Pretenders are advocates and activists, some of whom are deceivers, and some are dreamers.   The problem is not simply in the practice, but […]

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