A Call for the Western Red Sea Organization (WERSO) and Sudanese-Ethiopian-Egyptian Port Partnership

👤Mekki Center 🕔5.Sep 2024

Why US should review its mistakes in the area and support this pragmatic cooperative proposal? By Mekki ELMOGRABI   The Vision for the Western Red Sea Organization (WERSO)  The strategic significance of the Red Sea is undeniable, yet the western shore remains underdeveloped compared to its eastern counterpart. To address this disparity and promote regional […]

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Irreechaa: Thanksgiving Day an Its Value

👤Mekki Center 🕔4.Sep 2024

Thanks to: Institute of Oromo Studies, thanks to Journalist Zinabu Asrat What is Irreechaa? Irreechaa is Oromo people’s Thanksgiving Day, celebrated twice a year at malka/river or lake and Tullu/mountains top or hill. Irreecha Malkaa /Birraa is celebrated during the last week of September, which is the end of winter season and the beginning of […]

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U.S.-Africa Relations: A New Framework

👤Mekki Center 🕔24.May 2024

Remarks by Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State at George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia on March 6, 2018 Click here

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President of Algeria: 2027, pivotal year for the country after completing digitization

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.May 2024

Source: APS.DZ  ALGIERS- The president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, said Sunday in Algiers that the year 2027 would be a pivotal year for Algeria, after completing digitization and reaping the rewards of national economic development. In an address to students at the Abdelhafid Ihaddadene Scientific and Technological Hub of the new city of Sidi […]

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$40 Billion Loss to the State Due to Crime: Will the Election Change Anything in South Africa? Or is it Just About Holding Ramaphosa to Account and Punishing the Ruling Party?

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.May 2024

Are the 2024 elections in South Africa intended to determine the winner or to hold the African National Congress (ANC) Party accountable for its failure to tackle several problems, including organized and cross-border crimes? These crimes account for a tenth of the gross domestic product, which amounts to $400 billion. This means that crime in […]

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Failed Coup in the DRC: How Could a US Green Card Turn Into a Bloody Card?

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.May 2024

The coup that took place in the Democratic Republic of Congo in May 2024 raises significant questions that need to be discussed. It appears to be relatively easy for a group of Africans to take advantage of asylum opportunities and obtain U.S. residency and citizenship. However, some individuals are not satisfied with working for delivery […]

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Ruto’s visit to the United States is not and cannot be just for Kenya when the region is on the edge of a volcano!

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.May 2024

Kenyan President William Ruto paid a historical visit to Washington DC, USA. It is expected to discuss the war in Sudan, Somali-Ethiopian tensions, and the failed military coup in DRC. Some questions arise: why did IGAD fail to support the Rapid Support Militia even as Kenya threw its weight behind it and rolled out the […]

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Call for Articles on African Australian Relations

👤Mekki Center 🕔22.May 2024

Open Space

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Groundwater could help build stability and poverty resilience in the conflict-affected Gedaref-Adigrat region

👤Mekki Center 🕔29.Mar 2024

Local Water Sellers North to Gedaref area – East Sudan – Photos: MC Mekki ELMOGRABI   In the Gedaref market, you will find people of different ethnic groups from Sudan and Ethiopia; they are mixed. One thing that brings them together is their sources of water. Their dug wells do not segregate. They are water […]

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How two dams in Sudan replenished villagers wells

👤Mekki Center 🕔29.Mar 2024

A dry well and at the same time a green tree of the Mesquite species, Photo: MC Mekki ELMOGRABI Fashaga area along the Sudanese-Ethiopian border is famous for being the most fertile land in Gedaref state. In this area, soil fertility is vital for crops to thrive and influences their yield. However, instability has affected […]

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