French think tank’s expert: small African countries are the winners in AFCFTA

👤Mekki Center 🕔28.Jul 2019

Professor Jean-Joseph Boillot said in an interview, the small African countries will benefit from AFCFTA more than the big countries, but still the big countries will gain new more opportunities.  Boillotis is an associate resacher at IRIS. He is a specialist on the economy of emerging world. Prof Boillot warned of some risks. “The first […]

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les défis et les réalisations de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine ZLECAF

👤Mekki Center 🕔28.Jul 2019

En: The challenges and the achievements of the African Continental Free Trade Area AFCFTA. By\ MEKKI ELMOGRABI Les deux principaux défis: 1\ L’Afrique est grande, très grande, les systèmes économiques sont différents, des conflits d’intérêts, et de nombreux traités et accords. Est-il facile pour le secrétariat de ZLECAF et de l’UA de gérer cette situation? […]

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AfCFTA Business Forum, Niamey July 2019

👤Mekki Center 🕔6.Jul 2019

In the photo Prominent journalist Maggie Mutesi moderating one of the sessions of AfCFTA business forum, Niamey July 2019. AU organized on 6th July 2019 the AfCFTA Business forum during the 33rd African Union Summit that is taking place in Niamey 4-8 July 2019 to celebrate the launching of the operational phase of AfCFTA. The […]

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A New Paradigm for U.S.-African Relations – African Regional Capitalism

👤Mekki Center 🕔5.Jul 2019

By\ Mekki Elmograbi Capitalism is quietly transforming Africa. Now it is time for international institutions – and Western perceptions – to catch up. Read the article from the American Media Institute AMI

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Niamey AfCFTA Civil Society Forum July 2019

👤Mekki Center 🕔5.Jul 2019

Niamey, Niger, 03 July 2019  MC-Media participated in the Civil Society Forum during the AU Extraordinary Summit in Niamey, Niger. The Summit is taking place in Niamey, Niger 4-8 July 2019 to celebrate the launching of the operational phase of AfCFTA. Mekki ELMOGRABI, chairman of MC-Media renewed his call to African media businesses; companies and […]

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Important Intra-Africa Links:

👤Mekki Center 🕔4.Jul 2019

Websites of African RECs and Related Organizations COMESA EAC  IGAD ECOWAS CEEAC CEN SAD SADC UMA NEPAD AFCFTA AU Trade & Industry Indian Ocean Commission AFDB PACCI All AU Websites  

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Sudan: People still see the crisis as economic not political, Poll

👤Mekki Center 🕔29.Jan 2019

Sudan: People still see the crisis as economic, not political, Poll Expert suggests government lift subsidies, pay “Shock Allowance” to survive the crisis. MC-Media Reports It seems that President Omar Al-Basher and the Sudanese government will be able to pass the strongest protests in its history if hard economic decisions are taken. The wave started in December […]

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AU launches Innovation and Emerging Technologies Dialogue

👤Mekki Center 🕔14.Dec 2018

The AU dialogue has been established in memory of and to maintain the legacy of the late Harvard Kennedy School Professor Calestous Juma (Photo: The Harvard Gazette)  (December 12, 2018, Pretoria) – The African Union announced the launching of “Innovation and Emerging Technologies Dialogue” by it High Level Panel and the NEPAD Agency.   The […]

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Pretoria hosts Africa’s premier Science Forum as world enters era of “Fourth Industrial Revolution”

👤Mekki Center 🕔14.Dec 2018

The Science Forum South Africa (SFSA) has become Africa’s premier Science, Technology and Innovation forum  (December 12, 2018, Pretoria) – Africa’s premier Science, Technology and Innovation forum, Science Forum South Africa (SFSA) -2018, which has brought together over 3, 000 researchers, scientists, policy-makers and students from all over the world kicks off today in Pretoria. […]

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INTERVIEW ON AfCFTA: Kebour Ghenna – Executive Director, PACCI

👤Mekki Center 🕔21.Nov 2018

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) between African countries is a topic for debate among entrepreneurs and politicians alike. To encourage the debate, CFTA.Now invited Mr. Kebour Ghenna the Executive Director of the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PACCI) to answer some questions that will help us better understand that subject matter. […]

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