French think tank’s expert: small African countries are the winners in AFCFTA

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center July 28, 2019

Professor Jean-Joseph Boillot said in an interview, the small African countries will benefit from AFCFTA more than the big countries, but still the big countries will gain new more opportunities. JJB-site-iris

Boillotis is an associate resacher at IRIS. He is a specialist on the economy of emerging world.
Prof Boillot warned of some risks. “The first one is that Africa’s external partners: the USA, Europe and especially China at the moment, are imposing very low tariffs, which ultimately do not allow African industries to develop.”
IRIS, “Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques” is a French think tank established in 1991 working on geopolitical and strategic issues.
The link of the interview by journalist Carine Frenk

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center July 28, 2019