East Africa

Sudan: 2021 October’s deadlock is the biggest but could lead to “the great compromise”.

👤Mekki Center 🕔24.Oct 2021

By Mekki ELMOGRABI Press Writer on African Affairs WhatsApp & Telegram +249912139350 elmograbi@gmail.com   Summary of the deal Granting Freedom and Change alliance – all factions and signatories of Juba agreement – “the blocking third” in the parliament as a reward for being the strongest players in the change of April 2019 – in exchange […]

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New Four Leaders for Free Economy and Better Relations with the World

👤Mekki Center 🕔1.Mar 2021

Could the right & center alliance liberalize Sudanese economy, stabilize political arena, and defeat Marxists?                 By Mekki ELMOGRABI Sudan has taken an extraordinary but necessary action and decided finally to float the national currency achieving the major demand of IMF, World Bank, friends, and donors in order […]

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Devil of War is Peeping Behind the Door: This is the right recipe for Ethiopia and Sudan to avoid conflict and achieve prosperity

👤Mekki Center 🕔24.Feb 2021

By Mekki ELMOGRABI Press writer on African issues The Article Published Also on The Brown Land, Sudanese Weekly   Sudanese are called brothers in Ethiopia but when it comes to investment, they are foreigners. Also, Ethiopians are called brothers in Sudan but with no brotherhood privilege in the work permit, they could be treated as […]

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Horn of Africa Endangered by Untrue Media Attacks on Ethiopia

👤Mekki Center 🕔8.Feb 2021

Written by Lawrence Freeman February 4, 2021 In January 2021, the world witnessed a barrage of attacks on Ethiopia aimed at undermining the efforts of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed to preserve the sovereignty of the Ethiopian nation.  This is a dangerous gambit not only for the potential harm it can trigger for the people […]

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Despite all challenges, Khartoum organizes the most successful business event

👤Mekki Center 🕔27.Jan 2021

Khartoum International Trade Fair continued to attract visitors despite the protests throughout Sudan in an atmosphere of freedom marred with the complications and side effects of the critical transition in the East African nation.

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Mombasa, a place where history makes the future! By Mekki ELMOGRABI

👤Mekki Center 🕔12.Nov 2020

Mombasa connects the mind with history and culture. In past times and present days, it has been the gateway for Central-Eastern Africa. For some people, it is the place of sunny warm beaches and fresh coconut juice are found, African tea with ginger, and other sorts of things, but not known for its busy industrial […]

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Banking System in Sudan will be connected with the world after improvement in US-Sudan relations, Experts

👤Mekki Center 🕔20.Oct 2020

In Sudan now there is a situation of “cautious optimism” after Trump’s tweet that he will issue an executive order to lift Sudan from the list of states sponsoring terrorism, “Sudan will pay compensation to the families of the victims, and this is good news.”, Trump said Experts say that the completion of the process […]

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Ethiopia: Investment Regulations Amendment and Banking System

👤Mekki Center 🕔19.Oct 2020

Despite all changes in Africa, Ethiopia retains distinctive points for foreign investment. Ethiopia is an important market in Africa, especially for companies planning to expand their businesses in Africa. Addis Ababa is the home of (Ethiopian Airlines) that offers flights to more than 100 destinations; 60 Africans and locals and 45 internationals. Currently, there are […]

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Despite critical transition, Sudan launches first solar power plant

👤Mekki Center 🕔14.Oct 2020

  Despite the challenges of the transitional period, Sudan succeeded in completing and launching the first solar power plant in Sudan. SUNA released a report that the State of North Darfur received from the Sudanese company for hydro-generation and renewable energy and “Top Gear” the new power station of El-Fasher, Darfur. The power plant produces […]

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South Sudan confronts climate change with stringent policies to halt deforestation and restore forests around Juba City 

👤Mekki Center 🕔25.Sep 2020

By Paul Jimbo-South Sudan In the scenic hills of South Sudan’s Upper Nile State, smoke is billowing into the sky, signaling that yet another giant tree has fallen and is being turned into charcoal. Interestingly, a few years ago, the smoke would not have penetrated the then thick canopy of the tropical forest. Today, Upper […]

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