Sudan: The Biggest Achievements for December Revolution; Openness to the World and Economic Reforms

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center December 19, 2021

Mekki ElmograbiBy Mekki ELMOGRABI
Press Writer on African Affairs
WhatsApp & Telegram +249912139350
Today, December 19 – 2021, marks the third anniversary of the December revolution in Sudan. As a Sudanese national, I am proud of the young generation who are fighting the battle of the Sudanese people for freedom and practicing their right to protest and to demonstrate. Writers and commentators all around the world might see the Sudanese revolutionary change from different angles but my favorite one is that what happened in Sudan has decided its economic identity, the free economy. Others, perhaps expect more achievements but to be more realistic, the revolution against authoritarianism and autocracy is not something new for Sudanese people. Sudan revolted two times before and established democratic multi-party regimes. Sudan will do that again and an elected government will be formed.
This time, the transitional government of Sudan opened a new chapter in the modern history of Sudan. During the first two years, there was a political divide on many things and still, the political forces and the youth fighting for full freedom but the economic orientation of Sudan has been decided.sudan africa map
It was clear for all political elites from right to the left that Sudan should be connected with the world and economic freedom is the main gate for Sudan to join the international community and to cooperate with friends of Sudan with full openness. I believe that if economic freedom is guaranteed the political and social ones will follow. Sudan_flagWhy did I come to this assumption? Because some elements of political and social disputes were based on partisan polarization to change the economic orientation of the free economy. Not anymore! You can see how the government is not reluctant like it was. The season of the elections is coming and the political parties should practice democracy within their parties and prepare for the election and there is no other way round.
Thanks to the Sudanese youth who made this possible, thanks to the friends of Sudan, and thanks to the civilian-led transitional government of Sudan. Congratulations to the two parties of the military-civilian partnership and the peacemakers who are calling for national reconciliation.

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center December 19, 2021