South Africa

Zimbabwe’s Victory Over Cholera Epidemic

👤Yazeed ABDALLA 🕔21.Aug 2024

Zimbabwe has declared an end to its cholera outbreak after 18 months, with no new cases in 30 days. The outbreak hit all 10 provinces, affecting 62 districts. Despite this victory, health experts warn that the conditions causing the outbreak persist. Doctors Without Borders urges investment in water sanitation and hygiene to prevent future crises. […]

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Angola Revamp To Cultural Policy

👤Yazeed ABDALLA 🕔20.Aug 2024

Angola’s Minister of Culture, Filipe Zau, is developing a new cultural policy to diversify the economy, support artists, and promote national culture. Following talks with Kuduro movement representatives, Zau emphasized Kuduro’s role in Angola’s identity and is gathering proposals from associations to shape the policy, which will be unveiled at the 4th National Culture Symposium. […]

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Securing the Future: The Need for a Fixed Election Date in Zimbabwe

👤Yazeed ABDALLA 🕔20.Aug 2024

Zimbabwe is at a turning point, where the uncertainty around election dates puts its democracy at risk. In a country where elections determine the path forward, not having a fixed date for them is a serious problem. It gives the ruling party too much control, leading to unequal opportunities, voter frustration, and even violence. Setting […]

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$40 Billion Loss to the State Due to Crime: Will the Election Change Anything in South Africa? Or is it Just About Holding Ramaphosa to Account and Punishing the Ruling Party?

👤Mekki Center 🕔23.May 2024

Are the 2024 elections in South Africa intended to determine the winner or to hold the African National Congress (ANC) Party accountable for its failure to tackle several problems, including organized and cross-border crimes? These crimes account for a tenth of the gross domestic product, which amounts to $400 billion. This means that crime in […]

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Steel in Angola, a new major achievement

👤Mekki Center 🕔12.Oct 2020

Fabrimetal company inaugurated on 12 October 2020 a new unit aimed at increasing the installed capacity by 90,000 tons/year. The company launched an additional investment that increases foreign currency inflows to Angola. “It also intends to export up to 25% of its production to neighboring countries in the South Africa region and to DRC, Ghana, Mali, and Senegal”  ANGOP reported. […]

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AU launches Innovation and Emerging Technologies Dialogue

👤Mekki Center 🕔14.Dec 2018

The AU dialogue has been established in memory of and to maintain the legacy of the late Harvard Kennedy School Professor Calestous Juma (Photo: The Harvard Gazette)  (December 12, 2018, Pretoria) – The African Union announced the launching of “Innovation and Emerging Technologies Dialogue” by it High Level Panel and the NEPAD Agency.   The […]

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Pretoria hosts Africa’s premier Science Forum as world enters era of “Fourth Industrial Revolution”

👤Mekki Center 🕔14.Dec 2018

The Science Forum South Africa (SFSA) has become Africa’s premier Science, Technology and Innovation forum  (December 12, 2018, Pretoria) – Africa’s premier Science, Technology and Innovation forum, Science Forum South Africa (SFSA) -2018, which has brought together over 3, 000 researchers, scientists, policy-makers and students from all over the world kicks off today in Pretoria. […]

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The way to Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT): Zambia hosts First AU Workshop on Regional Trade Dialogue

👤Mekki Center 🕔29.Sep 2018

DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION Press Release N°153 / 2018 Lusaka, Zambia, 25 September 2018 – The African Union Commission (AUC) through the Department of Trade and Industry hosted the inaugural African Union Workshop on Strengthening Regional Trade Policy Dialogue Platforms from 25TH to 28TH September 2018. This innovative event, designed in partnership with COMESA […]

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Mauritius and Italy Collaborates in the Field of Renewable Energy

👤Mekki Center 🕔16.Feb 2018

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote cooperation in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency was signed between the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities and the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea on 12 February 2018 at the Hennessy Park Hotel in Ebène. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Energy and […]

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AU – Infrastructure and Energy Department Concludes Preparatory Meeting on PIDA Week in Johannesburg

👤Mekki Center 🕔18.Sep 2015

AU – Infrastructure and Energy Department Concludes Preparatory Meeting on PIDA Week in Johannesburg  Pretoria, South Africa 18 September 2015- From 16th to 18th September, the African Union Commission’s Department of Infrastructure and Energy (DIE – AUC), in partnership with GIZ, NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency (NPCA), African Development Bank (AfDB) and Infrastructure Consortium for […]

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