
Tanzania: Price of Coffee Won’t Rise Despite High Production Cost – Govt

👤Mekki Center 🕔5.Feb 2018

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US Sudan Business Relations, CCA Trade Mission in Sudan: Important Link

👤Mekki Center 🕔2.Feb 2018

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Africa Business and Investment Forum Set for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

👤Mekki Center 🕔2.Feb 2018

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Ethiopian Herald: African Center aims to bridge gaps in climate smart agriculture

👤Mekki Center 🕔1.Feb 2018

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$100 Mil Agreement between African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private sector ( ICD ) on SMEs

👤Mekki Center 🕔26.Jan 2018

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Western Question needs African answer: Is Tanzania Going Too Far in Banning ‘Half Naked’ Photos?

👤Mekki Center 🕔21.Jan 2018

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USA: Efforts to Protect Delaware River Watershed

👤Mekki Center 🕔29.Aug 2017

Photo: A. Vicente, U.S. Forest Service MC-Media Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick & Mr. Greg Goldman wrote an article on August 28, 2017 for Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News titled “Let’s see funding for Delaware watershed protection”. The article highlighted the issue stating that Delaware River is the source of clean drinking water for more than 15 […]

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EAFAC: New US – Based Company Plans to Invest in Eastern Africa Region

👤Mekki Center 🕔19.Feb 2017

A newly established US-based Company has trained it’s focus on the Eastern Africa Region as its prime investment destination with long term plans to expand to the rest of Africa.   East Africa Assistance Corporation (EAFAC) is working on several investment programs to link Africa with US market and businesses. EAFAC will initially focus on […]

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Good News on Renewable Energy in East Africa

👤Mekki Center 🕔22.Dec 2016

MC-Media: Renewable energy is the only solution for Africa. Two reports published last week confirms that this green industry is booming in East Africa. Ethiopia plans for new five wind farms four-year project with 5,200 megawatts from wind power at cost $3.1 billion. Ethiopia is a good model for wind energy, the turbine of Ashegoda, […]

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PIDA Organizes its first ever PIDA week

👤Mekki Center 🕔17.Nov 2015

PIDA hosts its first ever PIDA week to bring all actors in Africa’s infrastructure development together and prepare measures for accelerated implementation of projects ِDIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION: Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire 13 November 2015 The African Union Commission, the African Development Bank and the NEPAD Agency are holding the first ever week of the […]

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