Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center August 26, 2022

Mbwana Abdalla Mohamed

By \ Mbwana Abdalla Mohamed

The Mombasa County is probably the most politically bashed County in the entire Country that has been through the most peculiar changes on its political dynamics front in this 2022 General elections. THE AZIMIO LA UMOJA COALITION AND ITS COSTLY MESS TO THE PEOPLE OF MOMBASA The elimination of Suleiman Shahbal in favour of Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir in their nominations stage was probably the most absurd way of retaining ASN and denying Mombasa County an astute distinguished manager that of SS to run the affairs of the town something that this County very much needed. That the AZIMIO LA UMOJA used the stupid notion that ASN was more popular and loyal then SS and insisted for a no-show nomination fight to pass this stage was the laughing joke of the year that Mombasa was put through and this will come to haunt them when all this is over. In came MIKE MBUVI SONKO to fill in the vacant situation within the AZIMIO under the WIPER party and the town went wild and crazy for new blood the need for a change was inevitable. The multiagencies used to fight against him was so openly visible as if the word INTEGRITY and ETHICS was discovered yesterday and was vehemently used against MIKE SONKO to everyones disappointment. That the UHURUTO, the JOHOS and many politicians previuosly also had integrity issues of different nature including FAKE degrees and still managed to be in the race since the promulgation of the 2010 Constitution that there were an exception and MIKE was not was unfair to his human rights as argued by his lawyers So this became the second wave of disappointment that the County was put through by a few elites at the top that eliminated a good political fight that we could have seen the showdown much to ASN delight. THE IEBC DILEMMA The final punch to the roller coaster of Mombasa County came through some errors or negligence by the IEBC to see through the ballot papers verification  that led to the cancellation of the Mombasa Gubernatorial race on the 9th August 2022 While still with the IEBC monkey business the race was yet again postponed for the second time on the 23rd August 2022 forcing ASN to go helter-skelter and demand that the elections be conducted on the same date to the extent of going to the courts to make his crying baby demands which went unanswered. He forgot to capture the fact that the IEBC is an institution run by a manual book of operations and is not subject to the whims of a few disgruntled elites wishes. The third date of engagement for the Mombasa County is now scheduled for the 29th August 2022 and today being the last day of its most boring campaign schedule since the era of Abdalla Mwarua, Said Hemed and the late Emmanual Maitha in the 70s. The Mombasa County will now be given the opportunity to make that TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE that has been elusive but it so desires for the last 10 years under the JOHO poor regime that has left us in a very unspeakabale state of affairs. This is the last chance for the citizens of Mombasa to make sense of it all and vote for the right candidate who has the charisma,intelligence, no corruption scandals, political maturiy and a holistic approach to good management that we so much need to pick up from where we are now. This two horse race is between the dynasty and the hustler narrative and we all saw what the dynasty version was like in the last 10 years the need for CHANGE is now inevitable. We will now see the Msambweni showdown season two take place where the hustlers earlier on beat the dynasty with their pants down to every ones delight 😊. The wind of CHANGE has finally come to the shores of the Indian Ocean to a city near you, the most civilised city in the country, where the first seat of Government 100 of years ago was instituted here. Please vote wisely and in the most civilised manner that we are best known to the world. Mbwana Abdalla Mohamed Independant Critical Analyst 26th August 2022.

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center August 26, 2022