Congratulations:18 December 2021 Marks 63 Anniversary of Niger’s National Day

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center December 18, 2021

Mekki ElmograbiBy Mekki ELMOGRABI

Press Writer on African Affairs – Chairman of MC-Media
WhatsApp & Telegram +249912139350

Niger is located in West Africa in an area of 1,267,000 km2 which is bigger than Turkey, Cyprus and Greece combined. 

Niamey is the capital and largest city of the country, and also the economic hub.

With a population of more than 24 million people, the GDP -PPP was estimated in 2018 at more than $24 billion and $1,200 Per capita.

The country became independent from France and declared the Republic on 18 December 1958.

Niger is a member of the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), sharing the common currency, the CFA franc with seven other members of the West African Monetary Union.

Niamey NigerNiger’s economy is concentrated on agriculture and livestock, with some export of raw materials and minerals especially gold and uranium ore.

Although Niger is facing serious challenges due to its landlocked position, future growth is highly expected by the exploitation of oil, gold, coal, and other mineral resources.

People of Niger speak many languages but French is the official language.

Named after the Niger River, the country – like most African Niger in Earthcountries – has a wide variety of ethnic groups that share the history and live in tranquility and peace; a majority of Hausa followed by Zarma and Songhai and then Tuareg, Fula, Kanuri, Toubou, Arab, Gurma, and Other, more detailed percentages could be found on WP.

Congratulations to the Niger and the people of Niger, hope for them all prosperity and success.



Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center December 18, 2021