As the Ukrainian War Divided the World, the Mother Continent and the Ancient Country Meet, Forging New Media Collaborations; Africa-Turkey Media Strategy Summit May 2022

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center May 27, 2022

Media collaboration is based on advanced economic cooperation: 43 Turkish embassies in Africa, Trade volume of $25 billion, Turkish Airlines flies to 61 African destinations, and more.

Mekki Elmograbi


More than 300 participants from the African media sector, diplomats, academics, and activists as well as government and non-government actors from Africa and Turkey attended the two-day Africa-Turkey Media Summit on Africa Day, May 25.

Organized by the Turkish Communications Agency, the event aims to promote cooperation between Africa and Turkey in the field of media and communications.
Turkish media reports facts and figures on the level of economic cooperation over the past 15 years and near-term expectations.

These paragraphs from the Daily Sabah report within the summit highlighted the important achievements:

Africa Turkey Summit May 2022() Turkey’s relations with African countries have gained momentum, especially after the declaration of 2005 as the “Year of Africa” and the first Turkey-Africa Cooperation Summit in 2008. The vast majority of Turkey’s 43 embassies across the continent were opened following this summit. For example, 27 embassies were established in African countries between 2009 and 2014.
() In 2021, Turkey’s trade volume with African countries was approximately $25 billion. Still, trade relations have further potential. Turkish companies operating across the continent since the 1970s have undertaken major projects, especially in the infrastructure sector.
() As of 2022, Turkish Airlines, Turkey’s flag carrier, flies to 61 destinations in 40 African countries. Launching flights to 12 destinations on the continent in 2012 alone, Turkish Airlines is expanding its flight network in line with the priorities of Turkish foreign policy to help increase Turkey’s visibility in Africa.

Mekki Elmoghrabi
By Mekki Center May 27, 2022